Educational Bee Tour - FAQs

Refund/Cancellation Policy –

We will fully refund your payment with advance notice 48 hours prior to the scheduled tour date. After this time, we are unable to satisfy any refund request. However, we will honor a rescheduled date and time agreeable to all involved parties.

Q: Will I get stung with a bee suit on?

A: The short answer is maybe. However, honeybees are gentle creatures who rarely sting unless provoked or feel their hive or queen are under attack. Wearing a bee suit greatly lessens the chances of getting stung.

Q: How many people can attend a session?

A: We can comfortably manage and accommodate a group of ten or less individuals.

Q: Are participants required to sign a liability waiver?

A: To partake in the tour each customer MUST sign our liability waiver.

Bee Class - FAQs

Refund/Cancellation Policy –

We will fully refund your payment with advance notice 48 hours prior to the scheduled class start date. After this time, we are unable to satisfy any refund request. However, we will honor a rescheduled date and time agreeable to all involved parties.

Q: Are bee suits provided?

A: Yes, we stock all sizes of bee suits ranging from Small to 5XL.

Q: Are participants required to sign a liability waiver?

A: To partake in the classes each customer MUST sign our liability waiver.


Honey - FAQs

Q: What kind of honey is produced and sold?

A: The type of honey produced by our honeybees and sold is Wildflower.

Q: Do you ever have honeycomb honey in stock and available for purchase?

A: Yes, periodically we do stock and sell honeycomb honey.

Q: Do you ever have propolis or pollen in stock and available for purchase?

A: Yes, periodically we maintain a small inventory of pollen and propolis for sale.