Italian Honey Bees for Sale in Georgia


Bean’s Bees and Honey offers bees for sale. We are dedicated to offering customers quality Italian honey bees and superior customer service. Our apiaries are primarily located on the East Coast, specifically along the southeastern corridor.

Additionally, our Italian Nucs, which are relatively gentle and calm, are grown in the State of Georgia. Our five frame Nuc offering comes with three frames of brood, one frame of honey, and one frame of pollen. Research has shown that these bees have a strong disposition to brood rearing, which provides a large population for nectar collection that continues even during slowdowns, resulting in high stored food consumption during the inactive months. Overwinters well, builds up quickly in spring.

Nuc Cost: $200

Langstroth Hive Cost: $500

Unmarked Queen Bee Cost: $40

Marked Queen Bee Cost: $45

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